International Dark Sky Week
April 21 - April 28, 2025 @ 12:00am
6477 S Lee Hwy
Natural Bridge, VA 24578
Come see a total lunar eclipse with our park rangers at Natural Bridge State Park, an International Dark Sky Park. Pick out constellations, observe planets and nebulae through a telescope, and take in the silhouette of the star-lit Blue Ridge Mountains.
Be sure to bring something comfortable to sit on and a red-light flashlight if you have one. Meet rangers at the Skyline Trail parking lot. A moderate 10-minute hike up a hill will be necessary to attend the program.
For those who will have trouble walking up the hill, a free haywagon with seats for 20 people leaves at the program's start time to reach the viewing location. Pre-registration for the wagon ride is required; only one wagon runs per night and space is limited, so please limit sign-ups to those who need it. To reserve, please use this link: [CLICK HERE]
There will be a $5 parking fee per vehicle, payable in cash or by QR code. A same-day admission receipt to the Natural Bridge covers your fee.
This program will take place early in the morning. The trail will remain open until the program ends at 3:30am. All programs are weather dependent. If a program is canceled due to weather, we will post a cancelation notice on this listing. Questions? Call (540) 254-0795 to speak with a ranger.
Standard parking or admission fee applies: Yes.
Extra fee: No.
Registration required: No.
Children welcome: Yes.
Phone: 540-291-1326
Email Address: NaturalBridge@dcr.virginia.gov
6477 S Lee Hwy
Natural Bridge, VA 24578
April 21 - April 28, 2025 @ 12:00am
6477 S Lee Hwy
Natural Bridge, VA 24578