In the Media

Chef Huger to Bring Displaced Puerto Rican Culinary Students Stateside

JANUARY 30, 2018 -- Roanoke Times reporter Alison Graham recently sat down to interview Southern Inn Restaurant Chef George Huger about a new initiative to bring displaced culinary students from Puerto Rico to Lexington and Clifton Forge.

"When George Huger visited Puerto Rico two weeks ago, he could still see reminders of Hurricane Maria’s power everywhere. Buildings were leveled, downed road signs were discarded next to highways, and blue tarps were draped across houses with once-stable roofs.

Huger, the chef and owner of the Southern Inn in Lexington, had never been to Puerto Rico. Months ago, he watched the devastation play out on his television.

Then, he got an idea: bring Puerto Rican students to the U.S. to finish their education."


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